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What is the most fun about designing jewelry?  Playing!! I get the most from spending time playing, not producing, filling orders, or even...

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Rachel Zoe Project...or maybe my project

I am a maniac for anything fashion, yes jewelry, obviously, but trends, colors, textures, design of a studio, design of a showroom, design of a living room.  I can't help myself.  I love to refurbish anything, yes furniture, clothing, and who knows anything I can get my hands on.  Sometimes I just shop to find something to refurbish.....I need a large large workroom.  My workroom right now is perfect for jewelry, but I need a lab to metalsmith, blacksmith, woodsmith, texturesmith, and fabricsmith.

Some of those may not be real words but who cares....so why the above title, when the Rachel Zoe Project show came back on the air, I was so excited!!  Her clothing, her ideas, her business strategy or lack of (which I love), her being a mother now, the way she dresses, I find it all inspirational.  But not just her show....if I find an inspiring woman of any sorts I am just impressed and taken to another level of inspiration. 

I continually talk with other women about what they are reading, who inspires them, and then of course checking out their style, their techniques in business, or there strengths in life.

Happy Easter to all those strong, inspirational women out there!!

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