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What is the most fun about designing jewelry?  Playing!! I get the most from spending time playing, not producing, filling orders, or even...

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

So Blessed

I have had my business now for 10 years, which is a long time.  It is something that some months I think I am doing this and others I think "why?!", but I love designing/making/crafting jewelry, whatever you want to call it.  And there are many who love my work so then I think because it's fun.

But just recently I started to get some coverage for my little business.  I have a great PR firm who sought me out and they took me on.  I believe through them I have received more exposure then ever before, but recently Glamour UK magazine contacted me and then ELLE UK magazine.  Can you say "wonderful!".  So with that here is a sneak peek at the January issue, a few more to come, but I am excited.  Just a little mention, but a big deal for RGD!!

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