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What is the most fun about designing jewelry?  Playing!! I get the most from spending time playing, not producing, filling orders, or even...

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Ok so Facebook, social networking, whatever you want to call it, but it drives me crazy. I can't figure out how to do it, then when I do, I didn't even know I did...then I can't remember all my passwords...yatayatayata...makes me crazy!!

So this weekend the San Francisco International Gift Show...it is going to be a great success, I am determined. When I return I will decide...Boston Show...or not? That is my current question.

In addition, to my surprise I will in fact be going to the Tucson Gem Show...I have gone every year for about the last 5 years and thought I wasn't going to go, but someone came through for me...very kind!

So far 2011 is already looking way better than 2010....and I know it will stay that way. Oh and I did finish "The Happiness Project" book, it is inspiring, insightful and fun to read....give it a try!!

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