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Jewelry and Inspiration

What is the most fun about designing jewelry?  Playing!! I get the most from spending time playing, not producing, filling orders, or even...

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The only way to explain sleep is with a four letter word....

I love sleep, and as I mentioned in my last blog I haven't got much of it lately.  So aside from lacking in sleep and beginning to think I am losing it, I am lacking in other necessities in my life, working out!!

I love the gym as a matter of fact the day before I had my little bambino, I switched to this wonderful new gym just down the street, haven't used it yet, but it is on my list.

So you may wonder what if she is feeling this way about those things, what is she going to do about making jewelry?  Good question!!  I don't know.  I tried to sneak away yesterday and got about 5 minutes in and then said "to heck with it" and just gave up.  We will see, as everyone says, everything happens for a reason, so maybe some great stroke of genius is coming and I need just to sit back and wait!!

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