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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Firsts in Life...

It may seem amazing, but I just had my first baby 3 weeks ago, yes 3 weeks ago.  He is a delight, adorable, cute, and very well behaved.  I waited so long and then when I finally did decide to have a child, I had to have surgery to get pregnant.  The surgery went well, obviously, I was pregnant almost immediately. And wa-la, baby Abran is here!!!

Now for all the things I tried to prepare for, there are just some that I know now, it isn't possible to prepare for...like the lack of sleep.  Oh boy, the lack of sleep and he sleeps like 3 hours at a time, last night it was 4 1/2 hours at once, most new moms would kill for that.  But this is coming from a woman who got a religious 8 hours plus a night, and you couldn't drag me from me sleep.  Now I am walking around in a haze.  Well worth it though.

You couldn't also prepare me for the number of dirty diapers, or the projectile poop that would spring from his sweet, adorable little body.  LOL, I have to laugh....what else can you do.

But the one thing you couldn't prepare me for, was how much I love this little boy.  I never in a million years could have been prepared for the fact that I will protect him to the end, that I will love him more than anything in the world and that I will do everything in my power to provide him with a happy life.

I love you, yes I do, I love you from here to the moon.
I love you, yes I do, I love you more than the stars above.

My song for him.  Makes me cry, tears of joy of course.

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