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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Pictures say a 1000 words

One of the things I love about doing shows and selling my designs is the people I meet.  In some ways I gain more from them then anything else about a show.  I meet the store owners of course, and often develop good relationships with them.  They meet my son, I get to know about them, their lives, stores, etc.  It is nice to have constant new people in your life.

Then there are the other exhibitors at the show.  I learn so much from them.  I have learned the ins and outs of shows, what ones are good, what shows are out there, better ways to market, how to develop contracts, line sheets, the list goes on and on.  I have learned that I know so little, and still to this day I don't know much, about the business.  I have also met people who have helped my business literally.  They don't come around often, but trust me they are out there.  And when you do meet them, be gracious.

Recently another exhibitor, introduced me to her photographer, and that is why I have these lovely pictures now.  It's fabulous!  Her name is Sarah Kitsner and she takes amazing pics....and let me tell you, for me, her pictures say at LEAST 1000 words! 

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